Saturday, 6 December 2014

Photoshop - Layer Manipulation and Restoring Symmetry to the Face

Above is the original image of a headshot I took for a client. Unfortunately, in this photograph her left eye was a little squinty due to the power of the flash heads. To make up for my own short comings I decided to try and remove the squint of her left eye. 

So, I began searching for a method to make her face more symmetrical. After a few moments of consideration I duplicated the original image, mirrored it and rotated it slightly, in this way I was able to match it's position fairly realistically. I then added a layer mask to the second, mirrored and duplicated image and began using the brush tool to mask out parts of the image I didn’t want. By editing the opacity, shape and hardness of the brush tool, I was able to use it more effectively. I tended to use very soft strokes so the gradation between the added layer and the original image below became invisible.

I then continued with the manipulation of the image by removing any blemishes with the healing brush tool and editing the colour slightly with a plug in filter. However i found the effects were a little strong and decided to reduce the opacity of the filter to 14%, giving it a much more subtle effect. below is the final result:

Thanks for reading ! and feel free to check out my website at:

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